MtG: Frontier RSS
Top 5 Black cards in Frontier
Let’s get right back at it, everyone. Next in line for this week’s top 5 is black. Please try to contain your excitement because I can’t say that I’m containing mine. As someone who is partial to removal, reanimation, and playing the 2nd best color in Magic, I am very excited to be talking about black. In a format where midrange and combo are the titans, black is never a bad call. Now buckle up as I guide you through making the best call. What’s the worst best card in black? Given that last week, (SPOILER ALERT) I gave...
Top 5 White Cards in Frontier
Alright everyone, we’re getting right back to it after a short week off (I had to take a brief R&R after some surgery). As mentioned last week, we are going to be talking about the worst color in Magic this week and what cards from this slice of the color pie has to offer Frontier. What color am I throwing so much shade towards? White. Sorry everyone. I hate white Magic cards, with an exception for Path to Exile. I’m more of a black/blue mage. But, I will still give you a completely unbiased, and practical evaluation of these 5...
Frontier Top 5 Green Cards
Hey everyone, we’re getting right back into it and breaking down another format top 5. This time we’re going to take a look at Green. Which happens to be one of the most important colors in frontier. While it doesn’t have any over the top, power cards (I’m lying), it has some great “build around me” cards that slot into several different decks without warping the deck-building process around them. Also, if you’re a midrange person looking for a place to start building your frontier deck, welcome home, comrade. Same rule as last time. Cards have to be good...
Frontier 101
Welcome everyone, to the first installment of Frontier content here at First Flight games. We’re going to get remedial today as we discuss the fundamentals of the format and what we should be playing and why. This will be a discussion about individual cards that are great, not so much a discussion about cards that are only good within the context of other pieces like combo decks and archetype support. I’ll be breaking this down by what I think the five best cards in each color, (multicolored included) are for the format with some justification, although most of them speak...