General's Orders RSS

General here, Time to go over some blue spells for EDH.  There are a few interesting things that show up in this particular set, but staying with the theme I will only be going into two cards for edh.  The first, and most important is clearly going to be Baral, Chief of Compliance.  He gives blue decks, as well as any deck that splashes or uses blue as one of its colors, a ton of control and power on the field, all for 2 mana.  Not only does he make all your spells 1 cheaper, something that has an incredible...

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General here, There isn’t often stuff that shows up in standard that is of massive use in EDH, except for most of the gearhulks from the last set.  There are however a few niche items in each color that are of interest in this set, for specific decks. First color in the wheel is white, so we will start there.  We are going to skip over the most obvious choice on the planet, Exquisite Archangel, because it is the easiest work around to a ton of loss conditions, and can let you straight out ignore a massive lethal swing, at...

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